Nursing School Resource Master List

Are you here because you’re looking for THE nursing school resource master list? Well then you’ve come to the right place!

I am absolutely dependent upon outside resources to get through nursing school. If you’ve read my previous posts, you know that I am a huge fan of combining your senses when you study. I also believe that the more times you can hear the same information said in different ways by different people, the more successful you will be!

YES, I go to lecture and take notes on the PowerPoints. And YES I use the ATI books and practice questions (more info on that here). Of course. But I don’t stop there. I use so so soooo many outside resources, and to be quite honest it is impossible for me to answer every message I get asking me “what resources do you recommend for xyz class” because it would be too long. So I spent an inordinate amount of time compiling them all into one master list separated by “here are a ton of resources for the whole program,” “here are course specific resources,” and “here are resources for mastering certain other content.” I have links to practice question books, med calc books, simplified course content books, youtube videos, podcasts, flashcards, simulation games, and so so sooooo much more.

There’s an interactive outline guide on the lefthand side, or you can just scroll along as you wish. This document can only be viewed, not edited, because I am very intense about how things are organized. That said, if you have specific resources you’d like me to add, please email me ( with the link to the resource and where it should go.

If you appreciate the work I do, and would like to buy me coffee, please check out my Ko-Fi. I listed these resources in the list as well, but I do offer tutoring and mentorship, affordable webinars, and I also have an instagram account where I share even more content to help you tackle nursing school. It can be found here.

The nursing school resource master list can be found HERE. If you love it, it would mean the world to me if you could share it with your friends and classmates, and leave a comment below to let me know :)

Don’t forget to take your meds and stay hydrated.


Exit Exam Blues?

